Managing Peripheral Neuropathy: Lifestyle Changes, Medications, and Advanced Laser Therapy Options

Peripheral neuropathy can be managed through lifestyle changes, medications, and advanced laser therapy options. Lifestyle changes such as avoiding smoking, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet can help manage symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Additionally, medications such as antidepressants and anticonvulsants may be used to help reduce the pain of peripheral neuropathy.

Advanced laser therapy options may provide relief for those who do not respond well to lifestyle changes and medications. Laser therapy has been used to treat patients with peripheral neuropathy and can be an effective treatment option when combined with other treatments. During laser therapy, infrared or visible red light penetrates the affected area and reduces inflammation and pain due to nerve damage. The procedure is non-invasive and can relieve those suffering from peripheral neuropathy.

For severe cases of peripheral neuropathy, surgery may be required. Surgery is typically done to remove the damaged or compressed nerve and can be used to treat neuropathy caused by herniated discs, bone spurs, or tumors. In some cases, the nerve can be rerouted to bypass the damaged area and restore function to the affected area.

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*Disclaimer: Although welcome for treatment, these patients are excluded from offers:
1) MEDICARE, MEDICAID, TRICARE, and other government healthcare program participants and 2) personal injury and worker's compensation claimants.